Marketing APIs


The Campaigns feature in ServiceTitan tracks marketing performance across all channels. A campaign is the primary method of revenue to a particular marketing effort. Users can create new campaigns, maintain existing campaigns, and review analysis to better understand marketing effectiveness, gauge return-on-investment, and make informed decisions about future marketing spend. Campaigns can be tracked by using unique phone numbers. Once a call hits a phone number associated with a campaign, the call is attributed to that campaign.

High level use cases for these APIs:

  • Get a list of all campaigns

  • Get a campaign’s unique identifier

  • Create a new tracking campaign

  • Create a new  campaign

Campaign Category

Is the Primary method of organizing and grouping campaigns. You can create and edit categories to better categorize your marketing campaigns. Once a call hits a phone number associated with a campaign, the call is attributed to that campaign.

High level use cases for these APIs:

  • Get a list of campaign categories

  • Create or Update campaign categories

Campaign Costs

Is the Primary method of attributing cost to a campaign. Use the Campaign costs to account for your cost of marketing on a per campaign basis. Campaign cost is monthly, and can be variable. 

High level use cases for these APIs:

  • Get cost of a campaign

  • Create or Update costs of a campaign